What makes yellow diamonds yellow?
What are Yellow Diamonds?
The unique color of yellow diamonds comes from the presence of nitrogen in their composition. The nitrogen molecules absorb blue light, making the stone a yellow shade. Depending on the amount of nitrogen, a yellow diamond could range from light to dark. As a part of the Fancy color Diamond family, yellow diamonds may also have a secondary hue like orange or brown. Pure natural yellow diamonds of an intense shade are sometimes referred to as Canary Diamonds or Canary Yellow Diamonds.
What are Yellow Diamonds Called
Color diamonds are named according to an internationally recognized naming pattern, which was developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). First, the carat size is stated, then the intensity of the stone, followed by any secondary hue (also called overtone colors) and finally the dominant color of the stone is mentioned last. For example, a 1.13 carat, Fancy Vivid Orange Yellow Diamond is a Yellow diamond (meaning the yellow hue is the dominant color present in the stone) with a hue of orange color. The stone weighs 1.13 carats and the intensity grade would be Fancy Vivid (which is the most valuable intensity grade for a natural fancy color diamond).
There are a few 'nicknames' that yellow diamonds have. Many refer to yellow diamonds as Canary, as in a Canary Yellow Diamond, and some use the name Zimmi Diamonds.
A Canary diamond refers to only a yellow stone with an extraordinarily rich, high intensity (fancy intense yellow or fancy vivid yellow).
The term Zimmi, which is usually used as an insider term, refers to a vivid yellow with a deeper hue, or an extra ordinary vivid yellow diamond which originated from the Zimmi mine located in Sierra Leone. The color of these Zimmi stones make other yellows look rather weak in comparison.
Where do Yellow Diamonds Come From?
Natural diamonds were formed way below the earth’s surface and are eventually brought to an accessible depth through volcanic eruptions. The compound elements which essentially cause the color can happen anywhere but are more common where the earth’s material in that location has more specific elements.